
Jerry K. – California

Jake supported, guided and stayed with me while I went to the deepest and darkest places within myself. He also stood by me as I learned to embrace my greatest gifts and skills. With Jake, I learned to realize that I could love all parts of me and today I am stronger, happier and more energized than ever before, in a new career that has added years to my life.

If you want to learn to get out of your own way, to seize your full potential and become the best of you, work with Jake.

Yilin C. – California

Jake stands out as the most transformative coach I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. Over our nearly three-year journey together, he played a pivotal role in guiding me through the processing of deep-seated inner traumas, facilitating profound healing within my soul. This remarkable accomplishment can be attributed to Jake’s wonderfully empathetic and nurturing nature, coupled with his unparalleled ability to truly see and understand a person. The immediate connection of kindred spirits that I felt in our initial session only deepened over time, creating an increasingly enriching experience.

Jake’s exceptional healing and coaching abilities have not only enabled me to understand my true self but have also empowered me to channel that into both personal and professional growth. Beyond being a coach, Jake emerges as a genuine lifesaver. Throughout these years, I have yet to encounter someone who possesses the innate ability to make others feel at ease so rapidly, kickstarting an immediate journey towards healing.

Anyone fortunate enough to collaborate with Jake is truly working with a magician. He is not just life-changing; he is life-affirming.

Joel K.- California

Since working with Jake, I feel more grounded, more connected, and more supported; I feel like I have access to more of my own tools. The most impactful change from working with Jake is a deeper understanding and greater awareness and confidence in my own abilities. Jake has great patience, insight, and instincts.

Jake is also wonderful at meeting me where I’m at, without judgement. Jake’s desire to go beyond the superficial to get to the core of what’s going on means that any time I’m with him I’m likely to gain great insight on myself thanks to one of his gently probing questions. I feel like Jake’s spiritual connection gives him a shortcut. He doesn’t have to wade through all the details and story to get clarity; he opens his heart and really listens and trusts what he hears. And he’s always spot on.

Roth H. – California

Jake is one of the most capable executive coaches I’ve worked with. He has over two decades’ experience in leadership positions at companies of all sizes (from 100-to-10,000 employees), so he knows intimately the challenges that leaders encounter on a daily, seasonal and annual basis.

He is a master at supporting executives and managers to recognize the impediments to their progress and overcome them. ;I am always confident when I send him a client that he will help them navigate any challenge deftly, with both empathy and a very welcome sense of humor.

His care and insight make working with him a pleasure as well as highly productive. On a personal level, working with Jake as my coach is a wondrous process. He has a vast range of skills for getting to the root cause of a problem or challenge, and tenaciously engages until the issue is fully resolved. He is the embodiment of genuine care I’ve never met anyone so committed to supporting me in becoming the best version of myself. I’m consistently blown

Vincent S. – California

Before I worked with Jake, I didn’t have any idea I had many different parts of myself and that they communicated with each other. He taught me how to get into relationship with each and every one of these parts, and helped me get into choice about which ones showed up in the different areas of my life.

In creating this communication, I now have far greater choice of my actions and I’m not having circumstance dictate my life. Jake has helped me trace my trauma back to its very root and helped me create a version of it that empowered me rather than kept me stuck in past. Previously, checking in with myself was not something I was used to doing. Jake gave me the tools I needed to check in with myself on a very deep level. I have been able to see where I’m at and either accept it, or get into solution about making the changes necessary to get me to results I want.

John P. – California

Working with Jake changed my life by helping me see the constant friction that permeated my day to day. Bouncing around in a constant rush and rubbing up against every irritation has left me frayed and ready to pounce at any moment. Seeing this allowed me to seize the opportunity for more space & to replace friction with ease, calm, and most importantly – perspective.

The single biggest change I’ve seen from working with Jake has been my ability & willingness to be open … open my ears so that I could listen in ways I never had before and truly hear what was underneath the words of the people I interacted with both personally & professionally. To open my eyes to the brilliant man I am and am still becoming. Finally, to open my heart & learn to love the most important person in my life – me. Jake brings expert listening to every conversation I have with him. He brings a keen ability to allow his clients to see clearly what is right in front of them, yet they are unable to see for themselves. Most importantly, Jake brings a lifetime of experience of being both at the top & the bottom, so when you bring your joy and pain to him you will truly feel his recognition & validation of both.

Jerry K. – Wisconsin

Jake supported, guided and stayed with me while I went to the deepest and darkest places within myself. He also stood by me as I learned to embrace my greatest gifts and skills. With Jake, I learned to realize that I could love all parts of me and today I am stronger, happier and more energized than ever before, in a new career that has added years to my life. If you want to learn to get out of your own way, to seize your full potential and become the best of you, work with Jake.

John R. – Long Beach

I started working with Jake Reason a year ago at the lowest, weakest and most wounded point I had ever been in my entire life. Jake said the things I needed to hear, definitely not what I wanted to hear, and that has made all the difference. He saw through the lies and false beliefs I had about myself. He saw through my bullshit and the way I was keeping myself down. He refused to let me wallow in my sorrows. Now, I am the strongest and most confident in myself that I have ever been. I know my value and importance, and that I am my highest priority. I am winning at the game!